About Us

Markus Ludwig is a German Practising Solicitor, qualified Tax Lawyer and also a Solicitor in the Republic of Ireland. He is linked to a number of German-Irish trade groups and has a wide network of clients and business partners. Since opening his own Law practice in Munich, Southern Germany, he has specialised in German-Irish trade and helped a wide range of companies establish successful businesses in both jurisdictions. For information on Markus’s Law firm, click here www.mhl-law.de

Ruth Ludwig spent six years as a fundraising manager for the children’s charity Barretstown specialising in community fundraising and individual giving. Having worked in various Marketing roles for the Musgrave group previous to moving to Barretstown and with a business degree from the University of Ulster she brings her commercial understanding to the Not-for-Profit sector and is especially happy when helping small charities and organisations to make a big difference!

Our Customs advisor, Tina Wenninger, has had a successful career in logistics within large scale German Industry.  A specialist in Customs, she has established and led Customs Departments and Teams.  Her practical skills were further developed when she was awarded the international qualification of Master of Customs, Taxation and International Trade Law (MCA) in 2018.